"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Monday, April 25, 2011

Adventures in Camping

I've always known camping to be an adventure in and of itself, but I very much underestimated how much of an adventure it would be with our crew.  Kirby had a couple of days off of work for Easter, so we decided to pack up after church Easter Sunday and head to the Cliffs of the Neuse.  It was our very first tent experience as a family, so we planned for one night, and agreed to stay an extra night if the girls enjoyed it.

Enjoy it they did!  They loved the whole experience, from rolling in the dirt, to sleeping in the tent, to roasting marshmallows over the campfire, even hiking through the woods!  They had an absolute blast.  However, through the fun, we had more than our share of mishaps.  The first came when we decided to hike to the cliffs to check out the view.  Kirby assured me it wasn't far at all, but I thought I'd wear my real shoes anyway. However, I soon realized I forgot to put them in the van, so hiking in flip-flops it was.  It turned out to be quite a hike, complete with millions of giant carpenter ants that covered my bare feet... not quite the hiking experience I wanted.

At the end of our hike we went to check out the lake, which was so beautiful.  We enjoyed resting in the cool grass and just being together, and we also enjoyed a good laugh when we spotted an elderly couple walking their cat (dressed in a leopard-print jacket) in a netted stroller.  Raegan found that to be particularly hilarious, so that kept her smiling for a while.

We grilled burgers for dinner, then decided to take the girls to wash up in the bath house as they were literally covered in dirt from head to toe (Maddie had her own mud mask on).  It was at that point that we realized we had forgotten extra diapers and our bag of clothes... major oops.  That very well could have been the turning point for our nice family time, but amazingly enough, we found it in us to laugh it off and make the best of it.

I got the girls stripped down in the bath house for their shower, and I told Raegan to go in first.  She did, but promptly ran back out screaming, "Spider!!"  I thought she was being overly dramatic, but she was not... there was a black, hairy spider larger than my hand on the wall of the shower stall.  It was so big that I grabbed my phone to get a picture of it so everyone would believe me.  However, when I stuck my head back in to take the picture, it was gone!  Mr. Spider jumped off the wall and started hopping around, doing the spider dance around our feet.  We all screamed, and the girls (still totally naked other than their shoes) went running straight outside.  Thankfully, our knight in shining armor went in the bathroom and took care of the monster spider for us.

The adventures continued all through the night... right before we went to bed in the tent, a group of guys stopped by our campsite, and we naturally thought the worst.  As it turned out, they were locked in the campground and couldn't get out, so Kirby helped them find the ranger.  Once inside the tent, Maddie proceeded to bounce on the air mattresses like they were trampolines, then spent half the night saying, "What's that?  What's that noise?"

Somewhere around midnight, Kirby's stomach revolted against all of the junk food he had eaten, and I woke up to the sound of what I thought was Sasquatch roaring in the woods.  It was in fact my husband, who did not make it to the bath house to puke.  While he was gone, Raegan decided to start sleepwalking in the tent, walking back and forth and talking jibberish and trying to escape.  Then she came to and realized she really had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't see to get the tent open, so we had quite a bit of excitement as I tried to keep her from squatting on our bed!

Eventually everything calmed down, and we made it through the rest of the night uneventfully.  We had eggs and bacon in the morning for breakfast, loaded up the car, and made the trek back to Leland.  We certainly brought some memories back with us, and it will be an Easter we'll never forget.  I am so grateful for that special family time, and for a special family to spend that time with.  I am definitely blessed, and God continues to show me that every day!


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