"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Saturday, May 21, 2011

7 Years of Joy

This weekend we celebrated the life of my beautiful oldest daughter, Raegan Elisabeth.  Her birthday fell on a Friday this year, so we started the day with a mommy/daughter breakfast of smoothies and danishes at Port City Java, then her daddy had lunch and cupcakes with her class at school, and we ended the day with dinner at Giorgio's with MiMi and Pop-Pop.  Saturday she spent her morning at the ball field, the afternoon at the pool, and we had a luau/cookout at the Jenkins' home with all of the family.  It was a lot of celebrating and big fun for a little girl's birthday, but so very worth it when I think on how much happiness and "sunshine" she has brought into my life. 

It absolutely amazes me at how quickly my baby has turned into a young lady.  I remember so vividly the shock I felt the day I discovered I was pregnant with her, the amazement of feeling her move for the first time in the womb, watching the ultrasound video when they told us "It's a girl!", and the miracle of her birth.  Then it was a blur of first smiles, first foods, first words, first steps... and now she is seven years old.  She's independent and strong-willed, bold and courageous, and full of love and smiles.  Her mind is always working (as well as her mouth), and she is a bundle of energy and determination.  As I watched her face light up today as she opened her gifts, I saw a brief glimpse of that baby girl that always had a smile that would light up a room, and it made my heart swell with joy and ache at the same time.

My girl has been a blessing sent straight from God, and has inspired me in ways unimaginable... she is one of my two greatest accomplishments, and I am both eternally gratefully and incredibly proud to be her mom.

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