"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Day of Revelations

Okay, so today brought about several revelations in the Whitley household.  Here they are, in no particular order...

Revelation #1- My seemingly fantastic ideas will result in much work for my very patient, obliging husband.

Revelation #2- My seemingly fantastic ideas will also result in much out-of-pocket expense, even if they appear to be "free."

Revelation #3- One "small" project inevitably results in many large projects.

Revelation #4- While the parents are busy with the aforementioned projects, the little girls of the house will come up with their own projects, which will result in more "projects" for mom and dad later.

Revelation #5- My husband is a pushover for blue-eyed little girls who say, "Please, Daddy?"

Revelation #6- Blue ceiling paint does not go on the ceiling as easily and efficiently as you would think.

Revelation #7- Blue ceiling paint does go on your clothes and in your hair (and everywhere else that you would rather it did not) much more easily than you would care for.

Revelation #8- Cleaning out the garage is an open invitation for more junk to magically appear.

Revelation #9- The person(s) that coined the terms "Christmas vacation" and "Christmas break" had it so very wrong... there is nothing resembling a vacation or break this time of year!

And Revelation #10- It truly does not matter what you are doing... time with your family is so precious, even if it is spent on home makeover projects!

In spite of all of these revelations, I have cherished the time we have had at home as a family these past few days.  We've been busy and we've worked hard, but we've been together.  And if that wasn't enough, I now have a great-looking bedroom to enjoy, and Raegan has a very cool "princess" bedroom.  (Now if we can just stop the clock for a little while... but that's another story!)

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