"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The God of Perfect Timing

God is so very faithful.  This past week has been a blur of activities and busyness, and we've had some low points for sure.  Yet we are only days from our reunion, so nothing is going to bring us down!  However, this afternoon, I wasn't so sure of that.  I was out with the girls, and they were getting to be quite a handful.  I was in a dressing room with the two of them fighting like cats and dogs, and Kirby called.  Needless to say, I was not prepared at that moment for a call, and it caught me very off-guard.  My surprise coupled with a crowded store and two children who were over the edge did not result in a great call.  I couldn't hear very well, nor think clearly, and he only had a few minutes.

When we said goodbye, I melted.  I was so frustrated, and so disappointed.  I cried all afternoon, feeling like I had totally missed my opportunity.  He seemed to be a little frustrated as well, and told me that he did not plan to call again even if they had base liberty.  I felt so dejected, and the rest of the afternoon did not go well.  I felt as if I had failed him, and my own stress prevented me from handling other things the way that I should have for the remainder of the day.

Praise God for knowing how to make things better... Kirby did call.  They had base liberty, and he paid some guy to pick up some things for him so he could find a phone and call me.  He had a rough afternoon as well, and said he just needed to hear my voice again.  Although we were both emotional, it was an amazing call.  We were able to talk freely to each other, and just be us without the pressures of time constraints.  Despite the tears, I knew that God had heard my cries and His hand was all over that phone call.  It gave me such a reassurance that my husband and I are a team, and we are in this thing together no matter what.  But more importantly, it was that realization that even when I'm feeling like a complete failure, God loves me, and He hears me and answers my prayers.  That is pretty awesome.

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