"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Thursday, April 4, 2013

And we're back!

Well, after many, many, many months of no blogging, I'm trying it again!  So very much has happened in our family in the past year, much of which was just too personally difficult to blog about.  But now with the birth of Miss Harper Lynn, I've decided to try the blog thing yet again.  I've spent the past six weeks posting her medical updates on Caring Bridge, which has been an awesome resource for us, but I felt like at this point I need something a more personal outlet as we continue on this journey.

Aubrey Grace
Today was a very special day... my newest niece, Aubrey Grace, joined us in this crazy world.  It was so exciting to get to hold her and love on her for the first time, but I was shocked that I found the experience a little bittersweet.  As I snuggled with her and watched her and gave her a bottle, I caught myself fighting back tears.  Tears of joy, first, as my experience with Harper has made me all the more aware of what a miracle the birth of a child is.  But I was also sad (and, honestly, in a very selfish way)- I realized how much I missed with my Harper.  Those sweet first hours and days for us were broken by the sound of a helicopter taking my baby girl away to a world of doctors and surgeries and tubes and wires and medications.  At six weeks, we haven't had a first night together as a family, a first bottle feeding, skin-to-skin snuggling, a chance to just walk around the room while holding her... she's grown and changed and been through so much, and as a mommy I've missed so many of those little things that I took for granted with my other children.

BUT (and this is a big "but")... Harper is still alive.  I can have a pity party and feel sorry for us, or I can praise God for saving her and for allowing us to witness the miracle of her life.  Every step forward is a gift from God, a moment that we didn't know we would experience with her.  No room for tears of sorrow when I consider how very blessed I am to be the mommy of such an incredibly strong miracle.

My happy little miracle

1 comment:

  1. Love yall!! I know how difficult it has been and I know Aubrey being born would be tough. Love our miracle baby and I praise God everyday on how far Harper has come. How could you not believe there is a God after seeing so many miracles in Harper's life already? She is going to have such a testimony to share one day.
