"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


At the end of a crazy day, my emotions are all over the place as we face more uncertainty in various areas of life.  I could write on and on about all that we are praying over and thinking through, but I'm tired and it's time to just pause.... to pause and look back on this day and all the many blessings that God poured out in the chaos of the day...

More vocabulary from Harper... her emphatic "NO" in response to my requests and questions, calling for "Rae Rae," and chanting, "Mammy" for Grammy

Red roses and a box of trail mix from my husband on his way home from work... and the response he gave my firstborn when she wanted to know why- "Because I love her."

An empty laundry basket (for a few minutes, at least)

A call with words of encouragement from a friend- and reminders of lessons from God

Hugs from friends in the hall (sometimes you just need a hug)

Prayers and support and encouragement from so many expressed through social media

Seeing my daughter love and be loved by so many and knowing that she isn't just special to me

Snuggling with my two littles in the recliner, my lap overflowing

Sweet whispers and giggles of my older girls telling stories in the dark at bedtime

Anyone else out there feeling overwhelmed?  Pause.  Look for God in the small things... He's there, covering you in love and grace every step of the way.

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