"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The beginning is a good place to start...

To start things off, who am I?  First and foremost, I am a sinner saved by grace, and so grateful for the love and the faithfulness of a God who is big enough and compassionate enough to meet my every need, despite the fact that I don't deserve it.  Beyond that, I am a wife (for over 8 years now), a mommy (to two beautiful, full-of-life little girls), and a full-time teacher (hence the purpose of this blog, but we'll get to that).  My husband and I have been married over eight years, but have been together much longer than that- almost 13 years now.  We met in high school, dated through college, and actually got married while I was still in college.  Needless to say, we have seen our fair share of sunshine and rain, but God continues to bless us tremendously.

Now, what is the purpose of this blog?  Well, as I said, I have been blessed with two awesome little girls.  Raegan will be seven years old in May, and Maddie is two-and-a-half.  Raegan came along not long after my husband and I were married, and we weren't financially prepared for a child.  We also weren't living very God-centered lives at the time, but that's another story.  We made a lot of mistakes, and I was never able to stay home and take care of her.  I'm still working to compensate for our poor decisions early on in our marriage.  My heart is at home, but we aren't able to make that happen yet.  For years I've struggled with this, and I finally decided that instead of keeping my struggles inside, I would try my hand at this blogging thing.  I know I often feel alone with my struggles of balancing home and husband and kids and work, but maybe someone else out there feels the same and can find encouragement in knowing we share the same issues.  So, my purpose is two-fold, a little writing therapy for me, and hopefully some encouragement for someone else out there.

That's who I am and why I'm doing this... feel free to join us on our journey if you'd like!

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